Children & Youth
Bringing up children to know that God loves them is the greatest gift a parent can give. Our church treasures children, and strives to support parents as they help their children grow up in faith and friendship.

Sunday School
Children are welcome to join our interactive "Godly play"-style Bible story during the sermon, which is offered most Sundays, depending on the number and age of of the children in attendance. Sunday school takes place in the vestry, the room behind the altar at the back of the church.
Children normally join their parents or other supervisors in the pew for the rest of the service. Please reach out to us if you would like your children to attend Sunday school and worship but you cannot attend yourself, and we may be able to arrange supervision during the service.
Children at our Services
Children of all ages are always welcome at Christ Church. If you want to bring your children to church to join in worship, thank you. Your children's presence is a gift, and it is a sign of trust which we want to honour.
We know that children weren't made to sit still. If your child gets antsy sitting in the pews, please feel free to get up and walk around the church a bit. We understand that kids make noise. That's okay! We love hearing them.
We have set up the back-right corner of the church as a children's area, with some comfortable chairs, some quiet toys and activities, a little table for having a snack or doing some colouring, and some other things that might engage your child's interest. Let us know what would be helpful to you, and we can include it! It's still a work-in-progress.
The church is stroller-accessible, but not from Hammond Street, where there are some steep stairs. For easier stroller access, we recommend using the gravel parking lot on Digby Street (behind the chuch), and coming around the side of the church to the main entrance.