Building Community
God has called us to himself not individually, but through membership in the body of Christ, so spiritual growth and friendship go together. We believe that our prayer and study go deeper, our ministries of service are more valuable, and our worship honours God more fully, when we pursue these activities as a community.
Details about special events and announcements about recurring programs can be found on our Facebook page, or you can view our calendar. Most programs take a break during the summer months, although there may be special events.
Prayer & Study
Bible Fellowship
Tuesdays, 10:00 am,
In the Church
This Bible study group, led by laypeople, has been going strong for many years. It is a time not only for reading God's word, but also for upholding one another, our parish, and our community in prayer.
Fellowship & Service
Men's Breakfast
Monthly on last Sun.
9:00 am, in the Hall
The men of the parish gather for a simple breakfast once a month to stay connected and show each other hospitality.
Family Brunches
Monthly on 3rd-last Sunday, 9:00 am, in the Hall
Families with kids gather for breakfast and conversation about how to foster spiritual life in a family context.
Friendship Singers
Monthly, as announced
At Roseway Manor
Started in 1977 by our own Robert MacKay and others, this ecumenical group from Shelburne-area churches gathers once a month to sing classic gospel hymns with the residents of the local assisted-living seniors' residence.
Parish Council
Monthly on 2nd Tues.
11:00 am, in the Hall
The Parish Council, chaired by our Wardens, oversees the "temporal affiars" of the church, such as financial administration, property decisions, and employment contracts. Councilors are elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Music & Worship
Choir & Choral Scholars
Thursdays, 3:45 pm
& Sundays, 10:30 am
In the Church
These parishioners, including a group of teen Choral Scholars, support the rest of the congregation in song on Sunday mornings at the main service. They gather once a week to practice the hymns and service music.
Altar Guild
This tireless group of parishioners help everyone "worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" by preparing the sanctuary and keeping the church tidy.
Lay Ministers
Lay Ministers are licenced by the diocese to provide non-ordained liturgical and pastoral leadership under the direction of the Rector.