An Act of Worship
Offering a portion of our wealth back to God expresses thankfulness to God for surrounding us with material and spiritual blessings, and it expresses trust that God will take care of us in the future. It is an act of worship.
Rather than living within a need-and-fundraising cycle, we encourage our regular attendees to give a consistent portion of their monthly income to the church. This arrangement is more life-giving for everyone involved. The church can predict its income more accurately, and our donors feel less like they are being nagged for money. Spiritually, this pattern also puts our constant thankfulness for God's blessings at the centre, rather than our changing needs and concerns. Regular giving can be arranged through Canada Helps (link below) or through Pre-Authorized Remittance, for which there are forms in the church.
Guests at Christ Church are welcome to donate, but are not required to do so. You don't need to pay to go to church!
All donations support the ministries described elsewhere on this website.