Worship at Christ Church
Worship is the calling of every human being. We are made to joyfully enter the presence of God and thank him for creating, sustaining, and redeeming us.
At Christ Church, we worship using patterns which originate with the earliest Christians, which we receive through the Anglican tradition of The Book of Common Prayer.
Children are always welcome in worship. They are gifts from God, and they belong in God's house as much as anyone else. Please feel free to move around the church with your children during the service. The back corner of the church has been set up for kids to sit, to play, and to engage with their surroundings more freely.
If you want to see our orders of service in greater detail, take a look at our resources page.
Early Holy Communion
Sundays, 8:00-8:45 AM
Our early service is quiet and contemplative. There is a sermon but no hymns. We use the 1962 Book of Common Prayer, which is in traditional English.
Choral Holy Communion
Sundays, 10:30-11:45 AM
At our main service, we worship God in word, sacrament, and song. We use traditional hymns which are singable and uplifting and have a broad appeal, accompanied by the organ. Our worship texts come from the Book of Common Prayer tradition, mostly in contemporary English. All are welcome to stay afterward for coffee and tea.
Holy Days
As announced, 12:00-12:45 PM
The church's year is about much more than just Sundays. On special occasions during the week, we gather for simple services of Holy Communion. We use the same text as the 10:30 Sunday service. There may be some unaccompanied singing, and incense may be used. See our calendar for dates.